Community Resource Contacts
These resources can provide information and assistance in finding quality child care, screening and therapy for developmental disabilities, parenting classes, county resources, child care regulations, NM PreK initiative and infant mental health.
La Clinica del Pueblo
Outreach, Tierra Amarilla, NM: Paula Gurulé 575-588-9506
Las Cumbres Community Services
Referrals: Inez Ingles or Rebecca Quintana 505-753-4123
Chama Valley Independent School District
Resources: Paula Martinez 575-588-0237
NM Children, Youth & Families Department:
Child Care Subsidy (Tuition) Assistance: Eva Martinez 505-753-0222
NM Child Care Services Bureau 1-800-832-1321
Family Nutrition Bureau 1-800-EAT-COOL
NM State Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-797-3260
Children with Special Needs
Family Infant Toddler (FIT) Program 1-877-696-1472
Child Find 505-298-6752 ext. 3316
Parent Organizations
Parents Reaching Out (PRO) 505-247-0192
Parents for Behaviorally Different Children (PBDC) 800-273-7232
Early Head Start
2000 M St., NW, Washington, DC 20036 202-638-1144
YDI Head Start, Española, NM 505-747-0502
Volunteer Program
Volunteers of all ages are welcome to work with El Centro staff on a variety of creative activities. For more information about El Centro and our programs or to volunteer your skills, please contact Carla Martinez at the Center 575-588-0106.
El Centro de los Ninos - Where learning is fun!